Baby Centre
We believe in creating a loving environment for our babies and giving our parents peace of mind.We develop a sense of trust between our babies and the teacher because through this trust our babies gain the ability to develop themselves. Sensory stimulation ( sight, touch, hearing,taste, smell) it is our primary resposibility.our babies get to enjoy time out in the fresh air in their own outdoor play area.
These classes are fun and are structured and focus on developing elements such as drawing, conceptualising and movement.Exploring and experimenting helps children find out how things work and children slowly gain knowledge and understanding.
Playing is still a very important part at this age, it is an important part of the development and a way to learn social rules and allow children to express their emotions in a non-threatening situation.
A routine of class and school is followed each day, whereby children are taught and participate in the following areas:
Learning of colours, shapes and counting,
Artwork such as colouring, painting, pasting and writing patterns (dot to dot),
Storytime, which develops English vocabulary and understanding,
A new song is taught each week,
Weekly theme discussions.
Painting 'designs' on paper.
Feeding themselves without messing and drinking without spilling.
Moulding clay into balls, cakes and strips and is able to name his/her creation.
The building of easy puzzles.
Drawing in circular movements.
Stringing beads.
Building blocks.
Cutting on a line with a pair of scissors.
Drawing a square using crayons.
Introduction to printing alphabetic letters and numbers.
Cutting pictures out and paste them onto paper.
Buttoning up his/her own buttons.
Tying shoelaces.
Independent washing and drying of hands.
In this classroom we have a teacher as well as a teacher's aide, as toilet training is still necessary.
*All personal items that are sent to the school must be clearly marked with your child's name.
Grade R
Grade R (0) is a PRE-primary year which gets our children ready for the 3R's (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) of primary school by developing their pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-numeracy skills.For example, before children can learn to read they need to understand how a book works, understand the relationship between words and pictures in a book, and realise that words on a page have meaning and are made up of sounds.
Before children can learn how to write they need to know how to hold a pen or pencil, understand that text works from left to right and from top to bottom, and realise that drawings and writing convey a message.Before children can learn numeracy skills, they need to understand that numbers represent quantities, that objects can be sorted and grouped, and that things can be shared.
Each child completes 2 workbooks - the ACE Grade R (0) learning programme, which is a complete learning programme based on the Revised National Curriculum Statements which integrates the three learning programmes of the foundation phase, Literacy, Numeracy and Life skills.
All these skills are taught through play, which is the real work of children in Grade R; skills such as: -
Playing with building blocks and doing jigsaw puzzles,
Number understanding and recognition and ordering,
Drawing and playing with modelling clay,
Drawing of the story read,
Alphabet and writing patterns,
Fantasy play and story-telling,
Introduction to phonic sounds of the alphabet,
Rhyming words.
We have a well-structured daily programme with blocks of time for each activity. These activities include routines for everything from eating and toilet times and outside play to different types of classroom activities. Each routine is an opportunity for learning important life-skills.
When children know the order of events in a school day, they are always prepared for what comes next. Grade R (0) helps the children to adjust to classroom routines and to understand what is expected of them at different points in the school day.
At the end of ear year, our Grade R (0) children are presented with a Graduation Certificate and Photos as well as a Graduation Ceremony.